The author is a fire protection expert, -surveyor and -advisor. He aims to inform about the performance of the firefighting equipment and -agents experienced during his operation on board of the MSC "Flamina".
Subsequently, the defensive measures that were taken will be described and evaluated in regard to their efficiency and technical efforts.The Report interns only the part of the firefighting carried out in Wilhelmshaven. (Vessel safe moored on the quay)
Inside hold number 7, where containers with cellulose and paper were stored, temperatures started to rise repeatedly up to the formation of open flames due to active glowing embers.
This has been reported in the press in detail.
In the light of these circumstances, shipping company NSB, at the recommendation of the Central Command For Maritime Emergencies Germany and attending experts, decided to use the new encapsulation agent F-500 applying with FOGNAIL direct into the effected containers.
In order to fight the deep seated glowing embers, the encapsulation liquid F-500 was injected through Fognails and "Cobra" into the seats of fire. They were also used to extinguish the remaining hot spots in the containers on the upper decks. The operation of the Fognails – compared to the "Cobra" system's necessity of manual operation – was able to be maintained without local manpower over a long time. That minimised the risk for the members of the fire brigades in the contaminated environment.
During the operation, cargo hold number 7 still included "hot" containers. To secure the unloading process, these containers were beforehand covered with a mixture of water and F-500 as well as foam. After opening them ashore the remaining fire spots were completely extinguished. When all "hot" containers had been unloaded, the fire brigades were clear to leave the area.
Furthermore, F-500 significantly raises the cooling effect of sea water. Only by using that mix it was made possible to bring down the fire to an acceptable limit in order to unload the containers and to completely extinguish them on the upper deck. Another advantage is its suitability for multiple classes of fire (like for example metal fires and fat fires) that can start in containers of unknown content. An absolute highlight of the F-500 encapsulation liquid is the possibility to add and apply it via all standard technical solutions free from environmental circumstances.
Based on that background the writer recommends to fundamentally
re-evaluate the use of foam on all sea going vessels in the future.
Managing Director
Gesellschaft für Sicherheitstechnik/Schiffssicherheit Ostsee mbH
Profis löschen versteckte Brände mit original FOGNAIL® Markengeräten!